Business Growth Accelerator Specialist
Leamington Spa, Warwks
By age 22 Dan Bradbury had read more business books than most people will read in their lifetime. At 22 he was ranked the 3rd fastest reader in the world. This launched his first endeavor to entrepreneurship with a speed reading company at age 23. By age 24 he was up to his eyeballs in debt and discovered that having an amazing product or service is not enough to have a great business. So at 25 he took a position as Marketing Director with a multi-million pound training company in the UK and at age 26 began his second venture into entrepreneurship and started a company to coach business coaches. This time, his company thrived and was a mid six figure company in its first year of business. Within 22 months of starting that company, he had increased the annual revenues to 3.2 million pounds. During that time, Dan started buying distressed companies with the intent of brokering, and at age 29, sold his first business for over £1 Million pounds. In 2008 Dan was awarded the ultimate marketer by Infusionsoft and just as things were in full swing with his life and career he had a near fatal cycling accident that left him in a coma and suffering temporary brain damage. With his company using the same systems he shares with his clients who own and operate companies, his business was able to live on without him and he was able to focus on healing and rehabilitation. Within a year, Dan was back in full swing and breaking new financial records.