Divine Guidance Channeller
Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire
Stephanie J King channels insights, inspiration and advice directly from the highest vibrational realms which filter through all her healing work as a successful life coach, respected counsellor, popular relationship guru, sought after reiki practitioner, cutting edge Soulpreneur and best-selling author. All of this helps to directly negate karma, to activate the higher soul agenda, life purpose and most importantly the ability to love and be loved. Stephanie’s favourable international reputation and affiliations with many holistic associations enable her to speak, teach, heal and empower people from all walks of life and career paths. Her work has helped individuals reinstate a positive outlook and renewed life purpose, allowing them to regain inner knowing, clarity, contentment and better health. These people are once again in charge of their destiny. Stephanie’s techniques and guidance are widely employed by therapists, counsellors, healers, beauticians, volunteers and carers to non-evasively enhance the services they provide to their clients.
Deepening your connection to LOVE – help all your relationships to become stress free, loving and great
This powerful, inspirational, informative yet incredibly easy series of video coaching sessions, meditations and exercises is designed to help lift the lid off what drives you unconsciously, to bring long lasting love to the fore, to unveil a stronger, happier, healthier, more vibrant and confident – you!
– Sex, Money, Drugs, Alcohol, Gaming, Shopping, Food, Work, Wine & Chocolate – What is your replacement for love?
– What holds you back?
– What do you attract?
– What lifts you from mundane – to sensational?
– Could your ‘happy ever after’ be here and now?
Nothing will change until you start to change it – and this online programme shows you easily how.
– Understand how you really love – family, friends, lovers, loved ones or self
– Discover: Are you a visionary – or a saboteur?
– Know what you most like or dislike to release/enhance it successfully
– Begin to see clearly what threads through your life to drive love
– Attract Abundance, Deeper Long Lasting Relationships and LOVE!
Stephanie J King’s ‘Access Your Happiness Now’ £8.00
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