Transformational Healer, Empowerment Coach and Scientist



Anne’s first career was as a successful scientist and university lecturer, but her scientific career was cut short when she became ill with ME. Despite being told she would always have the condition, she regained her health fully using determination and deep reprogramming of her subconscious mind. This turned out to be an amazing journey of healing and transformation, and it took her onto a very different path: that of empowering women. When her young daughter died suddenly in 2014, Anne chose to make something profound and beautiful from the trauma. Her journey through the loss has given her an even deeper understanding of her higher purpose, and it led her to develop new quantum healing techniques in an ongoing quest to push the boundaries of what is possible. Anne believes passionately that we can transcend and transform anything with the power of our hearts, our minds and our connection to Source Energy. No matter what challenge or tragedy life brings us, we can either let it destroy us, or we can create something amazing from the experience; it is our choice. We are the alchemists of our own lives.
Now a transformational healer, empowerment coach and workshop leader, Anne inspires women to free themselves from limitation and fear, and helps them to realise their full potential in life.




Life can be challenging, and we can often end up feeling stuck, depressed, crushed, despairing or hopeless.

Harness the power of your mind to get your life moving again and reclaim your joy with this 7 day online video teaching.


“Are you feeling sad, low and stuck? Maybe you’ve suffered a trauma or illness that’s brought you down. Maybe you’ve felt low for so long that you don’t know why you feel this way, you just can’t see a way to feel better. Maybe you’ve been trying to shift things for ages, but nothing seems to work. I’ve certainly been there.

Over the years, I’ve helped both myself and my clients find their way back to joy and positivity, and I’ve now put this teaching into a new 7-day online video programme.

With the help of daily teachings, you’ll learn how to harness the power of your subconscious mind and shift your vibration back towards the joy and flow of life. I’ve included simple, effective tools you can easily incorporate into your day, combined with new powerful healing meditations to help you shift the focus of your subconscious mind. These tools are the ones that have worked for me and my clients.”

– Dr Anne Whitehouse PhD – Transformational Therapist

Benefits to you:

– Find the way through your depression, despair, trauma, dark night of the soul, bereavement, or just feeling stuck, to connect with the joy of life again.
– Follow a proven process that will help you turn things around for yourself.
– Transform how you feel about what’s happened to you and reclaim your power.
– Change your perspective on the deepest level, allowing new experiences, information and opportunities to come into your life.
– Learn quick and easy techniques that can shift your energetic vibration instantaneously, and help bring positivity into your mind and body.
– Challenge your mind with a journey of transformation and find the hidden jewels in your experience.
– Experience powerful healing meditations carefully designed to bring about deep energetic shifts.
– Enjoy free access to a Facebook support group.

How to Phoenix and Reclaim Your Joy – Special Introductory Offer £9

Buy now using the special automated PayPal button below


ULTIMATE STRESS BUSTER: Sail through life with ease and grace

A 14 day programme to transform the way you react to life.

Why does life stress you out? The truth is that your worst enemy is your own subconscious mind. It sabotages your positive intentions, it distorts your view of the world and magnifies your worst possible fears, creating enormous internal conflict. Over time this stress will destroy your happiness, your abundance and can ultimately ruin your health. Unless you change the way you react to life at the deepest level, your stress will keep on getting worse. Awareness isn’t enough – you need powerful tools to do this.

The culmination of many years’ experience, Anne’s life-changing Ultimate Stress-Buster programme is specifically designed to free you from the nine roots of deep internal sabotage that make your life a struggle.

Each day for 14 days you’ll receive a short video showing you how to identify and remove these harmful roots from your mind and body. Powerful energy techniques and healings help you reprogramme the way you react to life, freeing you from anxiety and bringing back harmony, balance and joy.

Benefits to you:

– Identify the nine stress magnifiers in your life.
– Learn to recognise when your subconscious mind is sabotaging you, and how to stop it in its tracks.
– Learn quick and simply techniques to reduce your daily stress.
– Learn to shift your vibration to attract more positive experiences.
– Use powerful and effective energy techniques to reprogramme your subconscious mind.
– Includes recordings of six Sacred Activations, stress-releasing meditations and colour healings to use as many times as you wish.

Dr Anne Whitehouse’s Ultimate Stress Buster – Special Introductory Offer £9

Buy now using the special automated PayPal button below