Architect, Geomancer and author ‘The House Whisperer’

Kingston upon Thames


Christian Kyriacou is an Architect, House Whisperer, Philosopher, Author, Storyteller, Environmental Psychologist, Musician, Composer, Filmmaker, Feng Shui, Vaastu and Geomancy Consultant. He has appeared on international television and radio since 1993 as an inspirational speaker on the relationship of sound and sacred space, architectural harmonics and music, house whispering, geomancy and Feng Shui. His work with the spatial energy of buildings engages particularly with how aspects of acoustics, vibration, music and harmonics relate to sacred geometry in architectural spaces. His approach is very much a psychotherapeutic one, reading and understanding the consciousness of buildings which in turn affects the relationship of people to their homes and work places.



Understand the sacred contract between you and your home

“Christian’s book is a treasure trove. For those new to the subject this is an informative, empowering and highly entertaining read that will open your mind to unimagined realms. For those coming from a deeper level of understanding, what grabs your solar plexus is that Christian is coming from a level of Truth with a capital T. For too long practitioners in this field have propounded the myth that ‘bad homes’ just happen to you. Not only does he dispel this, but instead takes you on a journey of why any of us attract these sort of energies to ourselves and our homes in the first place, thereby providing the key to living a happier, healthier life. The clincher is the diversity of gripping real life stories – and his vast, vast on-the-job experience and profound understanding of his subject. Inspiring!” – Elizabeth Brown, author of DOWSING

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– Understand the energy of your home
– How to achieve resonance and harmony
– Practical help on how to sell your home especially if it is ‘stuck’ on the market
– How the principles of Sacred Geometry create harmonious spaces
– Insights into the energy of places and land
– How to enhance your prosperity, health and happiness


A signed copy of Christian Kyriacou’s book ‘The House Whisperer’ £14.99

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